FERPA & Academic Catalog



Right Of Privacy Of Student Records

All student records will be released only under provisions of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended. All records pertaining to nonacademic student judicial cases shall be kept in the Office of the Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services. All records pertaining to academic judicial cases shall be kept in the Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty. The Vice President for Student and Enrollment Services and the Provost and Dean of the Faculty will retain judicial records (non-academic and academic, respectively) for penalties less than suspension, for 1 year after a student’s graduation, or 5 years after a student withdraws from the College. For cases of suspension or expulsion, records shall be retained indefinitely. Transcripts and/or tape recordings of hearings will be retained only until the appeal process is completed.


Access To Student Records

Each student who is attending, or has attended, Coker University is guaranteed access to his/her educational records as filed in the Office of Academic Records, the Business Office, the Financial Aid Office, the Student Services Office, or the Office of the Provost and Dean of the Faculty. Information contained in these files, including transcripts, will be communicated to persons or agencies specifically designated in writing by that student. A record of disclosure will be kept in the student’s file. Health records may be utilized by College health officials or by a physician of the student’s choosing upon written request by the student. Student credential files (if available) will be communicated to potential employers or graduate schools only upon written request of the student. Student access to these records is possible only if the student does not waive access at the time these records are compiled. The College may charge a reasonable fee for copying expenses. A student who wishes to review his/her record shall make such a request in writing to the appropriate office. The requisition shall be granted within a reasonable length of time, not to exceed forty-five (45) days.

The following exceptions are allowed under law and may be exercised by Coker University:

  • Financial records of parents or guardians of the student or any information contained therein may not be reviewed by the student without written permission from the parent.
  • Disclosure of a student’s records without that student’s permission is allowed as follows:
    • To appropriate College officials who have a legitimate educational interest.
    • To an appropriate person in connection with a health or safety emergency if such information is necessary to protect the health or safety of a student or other persons.
    • To certain federal and state officials for federal program purposes.
    • Under order of a federal or state court of law.
    • To parents of a dependent student, as defined in Section 152 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954.
    • In accordance with federal or state legislation.

A student who believes that information contained in his/her education records is inaccurate or misleading, or violates the privacy or other rights of the student, may request that the record be amended.

Download the academic catalog

For a more detailed explanation of requirements, including course descriptions, download the Academic Catalog.

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